Tuesday, June 14, 2011

birde blues

Last night I was playing hide and seek tag. I hid in a huge pine tree. I was invisible but unfortunately the people that were hiding with me weren't so we all had run out of the hiding spot. Then I saw it--a bright blue egg in a nest on the ground without a mother. :( I was excited that I found it and that I could take pictures of it to show on my blog.

This is the picture of the nest and the egg. I loved the colors in the photo so I decided to make a color scheme on the computer with a program called Illustrator. The squares below the picture are some of the colors in the photo. My favorite color is the first one because it is the color that stands out the most in the photo. I think this color scheme might be nice in a baby boy's bedroom...I can see those colors in there.

Also on my street is a climbable tree and at the top is another nest. Over the weeks I watched the egg until it hatched. We named the bird Rob, and his mother's name is Sally.

Rob and his mother Sally are still together and happy in their nest.

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